The Layers are having a great year so far. Big thanks to all the Layers supporters, and please don't stop (now....)! Check out our tunes on

Monday, 28 February 2011

Big fat update squished into one tiny post

We hope you had a fantastic Christmas holiday; Eid; Diwali; New Year and Chinese New Year (Kung Hei Fat Choi to you all) and that 2011 so far is a fabulous one for you!
Yes, it has been THAT LONG since the last Layers post and there is no excuse at all. Really, there is none, though I thought long and hard about giving one.

In this Layers bulletin, you will find out what we've been up to for the past few months, and what is ahead! So... here goes:

- We finished four shiny new tunes at the start of the year, including one about a crazy man who talks to lamposts; a duet with me and Anna which is kind of therapy in verse form and a song about wanting to run out of a work meeting to play with mystical creatures. Finally putting all the experience I gained in previous office jobs to good use!

- We got some photos done by photographer Gethin Nadin, which can be seen on

- We played a fantastic gig at Proud, Camden, with Hotvox in February and will be playing for them again with some more funky bands soooon! Photoooos above!

- Our 2011 EP is in the construction stages. We are raising money to do this asap, and more info will be available soon. Please check back with us for details!

Much love,

The Layers